Build Your Dream Land Design with Trophy Land Management based in Portland, MI
Land Consultations
This consists of me meeting you at your property to discuss your goals and ideas are, and extensively scout your property. Maybe your goal is to harvest your biggest and most mature buck to date, or maybe you want to design a layout to see more deer in general on your property. Whatever your goal is, we can design an effective plan that will prove to work for you.
Tier 1: Over the phone, virtual consultation where we review your property layout, discuss your goals, and attempt to design a property layout to meet those goals. This will be approximately a 1 hour meeting. $425.
Tier 2: Walk with you, scout your land, discuss your goals, and design a verbal plan, $750.00*
Tier 3: Walk the property and scout your land, discuss your goals, design and agree on a plan that works for you and your property with instruction on how to plant, when to plant, etc. $1,250.00*
Land Management
After we have discussed your goals and have decided on a plan, if you decide, I will help you manage your property to the best of my ability to ensure success. Base pricing for year-round food plot management is $225.00/acre. This pricing will largely depend on the size of your property, how much seed we will require, if your soil needs any fertilizer, equipment requirements, and more. *
*Travel could be an additional cost depending on location.
Northwoods Whitetail Seeds
I am a local Northwoods Whitetails seed dealer and offer a quick and simple pickup process. Seeds are pickup only. Please view the store listing to see what we offer and contact Craig for availability and pickup times.